Alamayah Consciousness: The Power of Essential Oils


For nearly 6,000 years, essential oils have been used in various cultures around the world for their medicinal and therapeutic phytochemical properties on the body, mind, and spirit. Distilling or extracting the different parts of plants, including the flowers, leaves,  bark, roots, resin and peels, creates a potent plant medicine in the form of an essential oil.

Applied topically and or taken internally (if safe and guided), the antidepressant, stimulating, detoxifying, antibacterial, antiviral, and calming properties of essential oils have been newly re-emerging as natural, safe, and cost-effective therapies for a number of health concerns. 

When inhaled, essential oils take 22 seconds to reach the olfactory  system which is linked to the deepest parts of the brain governed by our basic human instincts, thoughts and emotions. Because of their molecular structure, essential oils are rapidly absorbed into the skin when used topically, taking only 2-3 minutes to reach the bloodstream  and 20 minutes to affect every cell in the body. They release molecules that interact with the nervous and endocrine systems in such a way to dramatically alter the release of hormones and neurotransmitters relating to mood, memory, emotions, and cognition.

Being the essence of plant medicine, essential oils also work on the etheric human body. Their high vibration is used to elevate denser human vibrations, transporting us into a state more receptive to higher frequencies. Certain oils also increase theta brain-wave activity: a preferred state for meditation because it heightens receptivity and  provides access to knowledge and information that is normally beyond conscious awareness. 


With the belief in elevating our guests experience further, Alamayah has collaborated with a team of physicists and chemists to create five therapeutic essential oil blends to target and heal the most common human ailments. Ranging from our signature Thrive blend, an all-encompassing oil that nourishes the body, mind and soul, to more specialized blends such as Fulfil and Awaken, our guests can enjoy natural and safe therapies for any potential health concerns from jet lag, low energy or headaches. 

Read more about our essential oil blends here.

Victoria Villas